Circular hike from Oberkirn to the Grube and Gompm Alm huts

Starting from the Verdines-Talle cable car mountain station, the route to the Grube passes the Oberkirn Inn and the rustic Portnerhof. The ascent that follows takes you along a forest and meadow path (no. 2, approx. 60 minutes) past the Wahlerhöfe, the highest mountain farms in our community. Once you reach the Grube, the trail is quite flat. You then head in a northern direction to the Gompm Alm (path no. 2A, approx. 30 minutes), which is the final destination of this hike. From here, the descent takes you via the Hochwies to the mountain village of Prenn (path no. 4, approx. 70 minutes), from where you can be back at the Verdines-Talle cable car mountain station in about 20 minutes by taking the 40A. This last portion of the hike begins above the Prennanger Inn and leads you across a very pretty forest and meadow path back to your starting point.

Once you’ve taken the cable car back to Verdines, you can return to Scena or Merano in comfort by taking the bus.

Tour Data

Length of tour:10,5 km
Trail Type:Mountain hiking tour
Walking Time:3h 30 min
Ascent:520 m
Descent:530 m
Ticket:Mountains and valley trip
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